He admits that, despite his age, he has a hard time growing up, he is still attached to fairy tales, rhymes, rhythm, play, and the idea that everyone has something unique that deserves attention. He has written volumes of poetry, books on literary history, has translated important and less important authors, has received and returned prizes and scholarships, like adults are bound to do. He teaches at the University of Bratislava; he thinks his classes are quite enjoyable. He has two children (Flóra and Kornél), who know more than him and are better than him at everything.
He admits that, despite his age, he has a hard time growing up, he is still attached to fairy tales, rhymes, rhythm, play, and the idea that everyone has something unique that deserves attention. He has written volumes of poetry, books on literary history, has translated important and less important authors, has received and returned prizes and scholarships, like adults are bound to do. He teaches at the University of Bratislava; he thinks his classes are quite enjoyable. He has two children (Flóra and Kornél), who know more than him and are better than him at everything.
1978-ban született, író, költő. Eddig mintegy harminc kötete jelent meg, többnyire gyerekkönyvek, mint amilyen a Tesó-ügy, Ovi-ügy, az Iskolások kézikönyve, az Óvodások kézikönyve vagy a Milu Egyiptomban. Az utóbbi időben szívesen ír felnőtteknek is. Akkor is című regénye egy kétgyerekes anya sorsát mutatja be. Legutóbbi regénye a Marlenka. Többször nyert gyerekkönyves pályázatokon, 2011-ben elnyerte a Lackfi János által alapított Nizzai Kavics-díjat.
1978-ban született, író, költő. Eddig mintegy harminc kötete jelent meg, többnyire gyerekkönyvek, mint amilyen a Tesó-ügy, Ovi-ügy, az Iskolások kézikönyve, az Óvodások kézikönyve vagy a Milu Egyiptomban. Az utóbbi időben szívesen ír felnőtteknek is. Akkor is című regénye egy kétgyerekes anya sorsát mutatja be. Legutóbbi regénye a Marlenka. Többször nyert gyerekkönyves pályázatokon, 2011-ben elnyerte a Lackfi János által alapított Nizzai Kavics-díjat.
For her, writing is like chocolates for others: she rarely gets round to it, but then she enjoys it immensely. Her story in A Fairytale for Everyone is the first thing she has published in print. She is a philologist, a forest-wandering, plant-collecting garden hippie. In her free time, she reads, reads and reads, except when she is knitting or crocheting or both at the same time.
For her, writing is like chocolates for others: she rarely gets round to it, but then she enjoys it immensely. Her story in A Fairytale for Everyone is the first thing she has published in print. She is a philologist, a forest-wandering, plant-collecting garden hippie. In her free time, she reads, reads and reads, except when she is knitting or crocheting or both at the same time.
She was born in Szeged in 1983. She graduated as a dramaturge at the University of Theatre and Film Arts in 2008 and got her DLA in 2017. Since 2012, she has been working as a dramaturge at the Budapest Puppet Theatre. She writes fairy tales, novels for young adults, radio plays, teaches dramaturgy and creative writing at the University of Theatre and Film Arts. Her puppet theatre adaptations and her own plays are often shown in Hungarian puppet theatres. In 2018, she won the prize for Children’s Book of the Year with her book A macskaherceg kilencedik élete (The Ninth Life of the Cat Prince).
She was born in Szeged in 1983. She graduated as a dramaturge at the University of Theatre and Film Arts in 2008 and got her DLA in 2017. Since 2012, she has been working as a dramaturge at the Budapest Puppet Theatre. She writes fairy tales, novels for young adults, radio plays, teaches dramaturgy and creative writing at the University of Theatre and Film Arts. Her puppet theatre adaptations and her own plays are often shown in Hungarian puppet theatres. In 2018, she won the prize for Children’s Book of the Year with her book A macskaherceg kilencedik élete (The Ninth Life of the Cat Prince).
She was born in Budapest in 1995, currently lives in Vienna. She studied kindergarten pedagogy, and it was during university that she got immersed in children’s literature. She does not only enjoy reading but also writing: fairy tales, poems, articles, novels.
She was born in Budapest in 1995, currently lives in Vienna. She studied kindergarten pedagogy, and it was during university that she got immersed in children’s literature. She does not only enjoy reading but also writing: fairy tales, poems, articles, novels.
Soproni születésű alkotó, 14 éves kora óta ír, verseivel az évek alatt számos országos elismerést kapott. Aktívan publikál angol nyelven, első angol nyelvű regényével is készül az olvasók számára. Magyar nyelven írt regényeit még nem küldte el hazai kiadókhoz. Az itt olvasható „Picur Panna nagy kalandja” az első meséje.
Soproni születésű alkotó, 14 éves kora óta ír, verseivel az évek alatt számos országos elismerést kapott. Aktívan publikál angol nyelven, első angol nyelvű regényével is készül az olvasók számára. Magyar nyelven írt regényeit még nem küldte el hazai kiadókhoz. Az itt olvasható „Picur Panna nagy kalandja” az első meséje.
An art teacher and pedagogist, mother of two, has been exhibiting her artwork at individual and group exhibitions since the age of 20, and from the beginning, it was letters that led her on the way. She has always loved poetry and fairy tales and has woven them into her artwork. Then suddenly, she started writing herself, and since then, several of her short stories and fairy tales have been published. Her story about Threeodore is her children’s story that is closest to her heart.
An art teacher and pedagogist, mother of two, has been exhibiting her artwork at individual and group exhibitions since the age of 20, and from the beginning, it was letters that led her on the way. She has always loved poetry and fairy tales and has woven them into her artwork. Then suddenly, she started writing herself, and since then, several of her short stories and fairy tales have been published. Her story about Threeodore is her children’s story that is closest to her heart.
Író, szerkesztő, fordító. Gyerekeknek szánt életrajzi könyveiben neves személyiségekről ír,
első, felnőtteknek szóló regénye az első magyar jógaiskola történetét dolgozza fel. A lány,
aki szavakkal varázsolt című könyve elnyerte a könyvtárosok Fitz József díját és a Moly.hu
olvasóinak közönségdíját.
Író, szerkesztő, fordító. Gyerekeknek szánt életrajzi könyveiben neves személyiségekről ír,
első, felnőtteknek szóló regénye az első magyar jógaiskola történetét dolgozza fel. A lány,
aki szavakkal varázsolt című könyve elnyerte a könyvtárosok Fitz József díját és a Moly.hu
olvasóinak közönségdíját.
She has been writing poems and novels for adults for a long time. She only started doing so for children since she had a child herself.
She has been writing poems and novels for adults for a long time. She only started doing so for children since she had a child herself.
Floating poet, boot-wearing deer-spotter, fairy world researcher, world tramp, music-crazy bookworm, experience-hungry earthling, scruffy goblin, sun adorer. She lives in Switzerland and has been writing fairy tales, children’s novels and short stories for three years. Besides writing, her profession is raising children.
Floating poet, boot-wearing deer-spotter, fairy world researcher, world tramp, music-crazy bookworm, experience-hungry earthling, scruffy goblin, sun adorer. She lives in Switzerland and has been writing fairy tales, children’s novels and short stories for three years. Besides writing, her profession is raising children.
Cartoonist, comic book artist. He has recently published his fifth novel, so now he also considers himself a writer. And he likes monsters.
Cartoonist, comic book artist. He has recently published his fifth novel, so now he also considers himself a writer. And he likes monsters.
Költő, író. Gyerekeknek is szóló könyvei közül legismertebb a Maléna kertje, ebben a meseregényében is szerepelnek az ókori görög átváltozás-mítoszokat feldolgozó Ovidius történetei. Hisz abban, hogy nincs új a nap alatt..
Költő, író. Gyerekeknek is szóló könyvei közül legismertebb a Maléna kertje, ebben a meseregényében is szerepelnek az ókori görög átváltozás-mítoszokat feldolgozó Ovidius történetei. Hisz abban, hogy nincs új a nap alatt.
They conduct scientific work in the field of software quality control, more specifically static source code analysis and symbolic execution. Their favourite programming language is C++. They love their cat, motorbiking and dragons. Their greatest wish is for her diligently written stories to be published as books.
They conduct scientific work in the field of software quality control, more specifically static source code analysis and symbolic execution. Their favourite programming language is C++. They love their cat, motorbiking and dragons. Their greatest wish is for her diligently written stories to be published as books.
Journalist, literary translator, children’s book writer. Her life is filled with books: she writes about them as a critic and journalist, and when she is not writing or critiquing, she is translating, primarily children’s literature. Her first children’s novel was published in 2018; originally, she meant it for her daughter, and it has since expanded into a trilogy. She is convinced that for everyone, there is a book that provides entrance into the world of reading, but it is no problem if you can’t find it first – the good thing about reading is that you can go on experimenting with it.
Journalist, literary translator, children’s book writer. Her life is filled with books: she writes about them as a critic and journalist, and when she is not writing or critiquing, she is translating, primarily children’s literature. Her first children’s novel was published in 2018; originally, she meant it for her daughter, and it has since expanded into a trilogy. She is convinced that for everyone, there is a book that provides entrance into the world of reading, but it is no problem if you can’t find it first – the good thing about reading is that you can go on experimenting with it.
She loves creating stories, even if most of them only get written in her head. She is primarily a graphic artist, she focuses on illustration and character design, but sometimes also writes. Sooner or later, she would like to work on longer stories, be it books, comics, films or videogames, in which people like her can see themselves represented.
She loves creating stories, even if most of them only get written in her head. She is primarily a graphic artist, she focuses on illustration and character design, but sometimes also writes. Sooner or later, she would like to work on longer stories, be it books, comics, films or videogames, in which people like her can see themselves represented.
Writer, author of five novels. Associate professor at the Faculty of Theatre and Film in Cluj Napoca, she commutes there from Budapest. Besides, though this is the main theme of her life, she and her husband are adoptive parents. This is her first written fairy tale, though she often tells tales live.
Photo credit: Péter Máté /Jelenkor
Writer, author of five novels. Associate professor at the Faculty of Theatre and Film in Cluj Napoca, she commutes there from Budapest. Besides, though this is the main theme of her life, she and her husband are adoptive parents. This is her first written fairy tale, though she often tells tales live.
Photo credit: Péter Máté /Jelenkor